3D printing is perfect for all cosplay fantasies. Whether masks, claws or various accessories, almost anything is possible. Look what these Makers made!
Source: Thingiverse, docvalentine
If you have a huge print chamber you can print the whole mask in one piece, for owners of smaller 3d printers there are also models for printing it in parts. Maker “docvalentine” provides two file versions: One with 0.8 mm for better wearablitiy and 1.6 mm for a durabler mask. Now it is up to you to decide which aspect is more important…
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: docvalentine
Source: MyMiniFactory, Kirby Downey
If you decide to print this cool weapon called Thorn from the game Destiny, you have to plan a whole day printing time. Maker “Kirby Downey” designed it in Solidworks und all the parts can be sticked together without adhesives.
Found on MyMiniFactory, Maker: Kirby Downey
World of Warcraft
Source: Pinshape, tigerklaue
This WoW staff weapon measures almost 2 meters and is equipped with details such as green LED crystals. Maker “tigerklaue” describes in detail how to recreate the Anathema accessory.
Found on Pinshape, Maker: tigerklaue
Final Fantasy 7
Source: Thingiverse, bindismalls
Here’s a detail for Final Fantasy fans: Clouds shoulder protection, printed with a LulzBot TAZ 5.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: bindismalls
Source: Thingiverse, Harchy33
Batmaaaan! Maker “Harchy33” provides various details for your Batman Beyond costume for 3D printing: Forearms, belt and batarang.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: Harchy33
Source: Thingiverse, bohecosplay
What about the mask of Richard “Dick” John Grayson, adopted son of Bruce Wayne and acrobatic Nightwing from the video game Batman Arkham Knight?
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: bohecosplay
Left 4 Dead
Source: Thingiverse, andyways
Left 4 Dead 2 is a first-person shooter developed by Valve that also features this bride. If you want to reenact her, you can make your own matching claw hands on your 3D printer! Maker “andyways” explains in a Making Of how the finishing with household gloves, superglue, latex etc. is done.. At the end all you need is a discarded wedding dress and tons of artificial blood!
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: andyways
Source: Thingiverse, Harchy33
For all fans of the US comic character Deathstroke, here the mask of the title hero. Maker “Harch33” also provides Deathstroke´s belts, shoulder protection, ammo and knee pads as 3D models to make the cosplay outfit as authentic as possible!
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: Harchy 33
Source: Thingiverse, Geoffro
Whoever approaches the Stormtrooper helmet project must be aware that this is not a 5-minute print job. Patience, a lot of filament and rework is needed here! But the result is impressive and more than hundred Makers already posted a make.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: Geoffro
Final Fantasy 14
Source: Thingiverse, LoratailCosplay
If you want to mutate into the cat-like creature Miqo’te from Final Fantasy, all you need to do is print the files provided by Maker “LoratailCosplay” and attach them to the costume. The best way to do this is with a really good cloth adhesive, velcro fastener or press studs. An SLA printer is particularly suitable for printing, but an FDM printer also prints the parts, but you have to schedule a little post-processing afterwards.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: LoratailCosplay
Source: Thingiverse, 3DPrintit
The parts of this movable outer skeleton with attachable claws were printed with ABS in a UP Plus with a build area of 14 x 15 x 15 cm. For the whole hand you have to plan about 18 hours printing time and have a lot of metal screws ready, which hold the single parts together.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: 3DPrintit
Death Gun
Source: Thingiverse, ferreusveritas
What a cool Death Gun mask from PLA! In order to present such a convincing print result, you have to glue the individual parts together, sand them, give the mask a primer, paint it with acrylic paints and seal it with gloss spray.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: ferreusveritas
Princess Hilda
Source: Thingiverse, AmieDD
Here are the details for Princess Hilda´s belt from The Legend of Zelda. Maker “AmieDD” created it with the Fusion360 design program and printed it with a Flash Forge Creator Pro. The best way to make the parts is with ABS or PLA. Each part takes between 3 and 8 hours to print.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: AmieDD
Rick Sanchez Mask
Source: Thingiverse, fallerd
Would you like to take on the role of Ricky Sanchez, the protagonist of the TV show “Rick and Morty”? Then just print the parts of the mask in PLA and glue them together! Maker “fallerd” made the head of the Alki scientist in a Monoprice Maker Select with an 8 x 8 x 8 cm print bed.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: fallerd
Zelda Sword
Source: Thingiverse, adafruit
Awesome! “Adafruit” has developed a 86 cm long Zelda sword with 93 NeoPixel, with which you will certainly have a brilliant appearance! The relatively large, transparent PLA parts were printed in a Type A Machines Series 1 3D printer with a 30 x 30 cm print bed. Tip of “adafruit”: Use a heated glass print bed for best results!
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: adafruit