3D-printer data sheet

BQ Hephestos

3d-drucker bq hephestos

The Hephestos kit from BQ is a further development of the Prusa i3, the most popular 3D printer in the RepRap community. The individual assembly steps have been simplified as far as possible and the instructions have been made more visual. In addition, the parts of the kit are divided into two corresponding boxes so that they are easier to find and easier to follow the steps.

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Model: BQ Hephestos
Manufacturer: BQ
Technology: Material Extrusion (FDM/FFF)
Price: approx. 499$
Release: 12/2016
DIY Kit: Yes

Size: 46 x 38,3 x 58 cm
Weight: 15 kg
Printing Volume: 21,5 x 21 x 18 cm
Dual extruder: No
Filaments: PLA

Software: Marlin-Firmware; Cura, Slic3r (empfohlen)
Filetypes: .gcode
Operating systems: Windows, Mac, Linux

Special features: Optionales Heizbettkit für Drucke mit Filamenten wie Holz, Bronze, Kupfer oder Filaflex Schnellwechselsystem der Druckplatte mit Klammern, LCD-Display mit drehbarem Bedienknopf für die Steuerung, Kabelführungsketten

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Customer Rating:

BQ H000195 Hephestos Drucker, Rot
  • Weiterentwicklung des Prusa i3, dem populärsten 3D-Drucker der RepRap-Gemeinschaft
  • Einfaches und intuitives DIY-Montageset
  • Elektronikplatine Zum Mega 3D

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