The da Vinci 2.0 A/Duo from XYZprinting comes with a closed print chamber and also with dual extruder. In addition, filament cartridges are used for printing, which are available in a wide variety of vibrant colours.
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Model: da Vinci 2.0 A/Duo
Manufacturer: XYZprinting
Technology: Material Extrusion (FDM/FFF)
Price: approx. 395$
Release: 12/2014
DIY Kit: No
Size: 46,8 x 55,8 x 51 cm
Weight: 27.5 kg
Printing Volume: 15 x 20 x 20 cm
Building platform: heated
Dual extruder: Yes
Filaments: ABS, PLA
Software: XYZware
Filetypes: .stl , XYZ Format (.3w)
Operating systems: Windows, Mac
Special features: Dual-extruder, filament cartridge
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Customer Rating:
Manufacturer: XYZprinting
Technology: Material Extrusion (FDM/FFF)
Price: approx. 395$
Release: 12/2014
DIY Kit: No
Size: 46,8 x 55,8 x 51 cm
Weight: 27.5 kg
Printing Volume: 15 x 20 x 20 cm
Building platform: heated
Dual extruder: Yes
Filaments: ABS, PLA
Software: XYZware
Filetypes: .stl , XYZ Format (.3w)
Operating systems: Windows, Mac
Special features: Dual-extruder, filament cartridge
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Customer Rating:
XYZ Printing, XYZprinting 3F20AXEU00D da Vinci 2.0A 3D Printer
- Der Drucker mit zwei Düsen ermöglicht Ihnen zweifarbigen Druck in einem Schritt
- Schichtauflösung: 0,1 mm - 0,4 mm; Maximale Druckgeschwindigkeit: max. 60 mm