The DigiLab 3D45 can be controlled from anywhere thanks to WLAN connectivity and integrated camera. Features such as a maintenance-free print head with blockage detection, automatic print stop and improved temperature management make the DigiLab 3D45 a user-friendly desktop 3D printer that is also suitable for use in educational institutions.
Currently at Amazon:1.600,00 EUR - view
Manufacturer: Dremel
Technology: Material Extrusion (FDM/FFF)
Price: approx. 1.600$
Release: 01/2018
DIY Kit: No
Size: 51,5 x 40,6 x 39,4 cm
Weight: 19.4 kg
Printing Volume: 25,4 x 15,2 x 17,1 cm
Building platform: heated
Dual extruder: No
Filaments: Nylon, Polycarbonat, PLA, Eco-ABS
Software: Printer OS, Simplify3D, Dremel DigiLab 3D Slicer
Filetypes: STL, OBJ
Operating systems: Windows, Mac
Special features: innovative air filter technology, automatic filament type recognition
At Amazon: 1.600,00 EUR - view
Customer Rating:
- Der 3D-Drucker DigiLab 3D45 von Dremel – fortschrittliches und benutzerfreundliches Drucken in 3D
- Eine Kamera überwacht den Druck dauerhaft, zeigt den aktuellen Druckstatus an und ermöglicht das...
- Innovatives Luftfiltersystem für weniger Geruchsbildung bei der Anwendung