3D-printer data sheet

Felix Tec 4

3d-drucker felixprinters felix tec 4

The Felix Tec 4 desktop 3D printer from FELIXprinters is equipped with two extruders and prints with water-soluble support structures. Depending on your taste, you can choose between the device colours red, blue and black.

Model: Felix Tec 4
Manufacturer: FELIXprinters
Technology: FFF
Price: approx. 1.500$
Release: 01/2018
DIY Kit: No

Size: 45 x 41 x 52 cm
Weight: 10 kg
Printing Volume: 25,5 x 20,5 x 22 cm
Building platform: heated
Dual extruder: Yes
Filaments: PLA, PVA, ABS-x, Polyflex, Wood

Software: Repetier-Host, Simplify3D
Filetypes: STL, AMF, OBJ, 3DS
Operating systems: Windows, Mac, Linux

Special features: Dual-Extruder, halbautomatische Druckbett-Nivellierung, aufrüstbar

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