3D-printer data sheet

Flashforge Hunter

3d-drucker flashforge hunter

The Flashforge Hunter is equipped with digital light processing technology that produces highly detailed print results. It works faster than an SLA printer and processes photopolymer resin. The Flashforge Hunter is particularly suitable for the dental sector and jewellery production.

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Model: Flashforge Hunter
Manufacturer: Flashforge
Technology: Digital Light Processing (DLP)
Price: approx. 4.170$
Release: 07/2017
DIY Kit: No

Size: 36 x 31 x 56,5 cm
Weight: 17.8 kg
Printing Volume: 12 x 6,75 x 15 cm
Dual extruder: No
Filaments: Resin

Software: FlashPrint
Filetypes: STL

Special features: Besonders für den Dental- und Schmuckbereich geeignet, WIFI

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