3D-printer data sheet

Sharebot 42

3d-drucker sharebot 42

The Sharebot 42 is a desktop FFF printer of the fourth generation, which is particularly suitable for a makerlab inventory or for home office. The device has wireless PC, tablet or smartphone compatibility and the web interface “Sharebox 3D”.

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Model: Sharebot 42
Manufacturer: Sharebot
Technology: Material Extrusion (FDM/FFF)
Price: approx. 2.500$
Release: 06/2017
DIY Kit: No

Size: 45 x 42 x 47 cm
Printing Volume: 25 x 22 x 20 cm
Building platform: heated
Dual extruder: No
Filaments: PLA-S, Nylon-Carbon, Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU), ABS-HF, Poly

Software: Simplify3D, Slic3r
Filetypes: Gcode
Operating systems: Windows

Special features: Automatic calibration system, filament control sensor

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