Thanks to 3D printing, you can easily make many kitchen aids yourself. Some makers even develop their own creations that make cooking, baking and rinsing easier. Here is a selection of practical helpers for your kitchen!
One tip in advance: Please use food-safe filaments when printing, as the printed product comes into contact with food!
Pizza Cutter
Source: Thingiverse, NikodemBartnik
Why buy a pizza cutter when you can print it in your favorite color! The cutting edge was printed with PETG, the handle with PLA.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: NikodemBartnik
Sugar Dispenser
Source: 3DExport, Alex3dPrintman
This is a practical sugar dispenser for on the go, but it also facilitates dosing, for example of teaspoon units, when cooking and baking at home. Besides the common STL file format, Maker Alex3dPrintman also provides other formats like .c4d or .3ds.
Found on 3DExport, Maker: Alex3dPrintman. Price: $10
Spoon Bowl
Source: Pinshape, barb_3dprintny
Who does not know it, the annoying spoonpuff when cooking. Where to put a spoon full of sauce? Well, in the specially printed drip pan! This one is heat resistant and dishwasher safe.
Found on Pinshape, Maker: barb_3dprintny
Source: Thingiverse, aleiovanevcp
Drainage containers do not always have to be functional, but can also take on cooler shapes. Like this cute elephant, for example, where you can put your freshly washed cutlery to drain and watch the water run through its trunk into the sink.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: aleiovanevcp
Sink Scrubber
Source: MyMiniFactory, JakeJake
To work professionally in the kitchen, you also need clean work surfaces. Since sponges are known to store a bunch of bacteria, it makes sense to think about printing your own sponges. In any case, this one is super hygienic, durable, therefore also environmentally friendly, and of course also removes the dirt in your kitchen.
Found on MyMiniFactory, Maker: JakeJake
Toast Extractor
Source: Thingiverse, muzz64
Who hasn´t experienced this before: The fresh toast jumps (if it runs well) warm out of the toaster slot and you can’t wait to eat it. But it is quite hot at first and one almost burns one’s fingers. With this toast extractor this misery has now come to an end!
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: muzz64
Source: Thingiverse, gianpaolo
Isn’t this nutcracker from PLA stylish? It can be printed with only one .stl file.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: gianpaolo
Source: Thingiverse, itsallwong
“Chork” stands for chopstick and fork. If your guests can’t decide whether to eat with chopsticks or forks, just give them a self printed chork. Then they can choose the fork variant, or break off the upper part to use the sticks.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: itsallwong
Cherry Stoner
Source: Thingiverse, Tunell
Any plans for a cherry pie? Here is the right solution to remove the cores effortlessly!
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: Tunell
Ravioli Maker
Source: Thingiverse, MEH4d
Mmmh, we all love pasta! And from now on you don’t want to buy noodles in the supermarket anymore, but want to make your own noodles, because with this ravioli form it’s a breeze! The form measures 15 x 15 x 0.8 cm and your self-created ravioli approx. 4 x 4 x 0.5 cm.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: MEH4d
Egg Slicer
Source: Thingiverse, miiiiiike
Sometimes you have to be able to improvise and be flexible when printing in 3D: Guitar strings were used for this egg slicer!
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: miiiiiike
Egg Separator
Source: Thingiverse, Fastrack
This egg separator in funny retro design works quite well: You break the egg at the edge of the cup and then carefully let the egg white run out of the mouth-shaped slot.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: Fastrack
Domo Bottle Opener
Source: Thingiverse, tachyio
Aren’t they cute these little colored bottle openers? At least in Japan, the mascot named “Domo” is popular. -Maybe you’ll be in your kitchen soon!
Found on Thingiverse, Maker tachyio
Citrus Juicer
Source: Thingiverse, walter
Now color comes into your kitchen and juice squeezing is twice as much fun! This bright yellow kitchen gadget was printed with ABS from UP! in bright yellow.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: walter
Source: Thingiverse, jckray
This funnel was created in a LulzBot Mini with dark green ColorFabb XT. Depending on requirements, the kitchen help can be printed in various sizes. You only have to modify the model in a slicer program.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: jckray
Measuring Cups
Source: Thingiverse, OogiMe
This cool five-piece measuring cup set consists of 1, 3/4, 1/2 .1/3 and 1/4 units.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: OogiMe
Measuring Spoon
Source: Thingiverse, wstein
Also “Spoon units” can be measured exactly with this colorful variant from now on. Depending on taste, they can be printed as a simple spoon or with two ends.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: wstein
Wall Panel
Source: Thingiverse, MinnesotaMade
But what would cooking be without neatness? -This panel printed in a MakerBot Replicator helps you to put things in order and by the way it looks really stylish! Whether cooking spoon, tea towel or a fresh herb bundle. -Everything finds its place.
Found on Thingiverse, Maker: MinnesotaMade