3d-drucker ultimaker 2 go
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The Best: 3D Printers Under 2000 Euros

If you are looking for quality and functionality in 3D printing, these 3D printers are the right ones for you. In addition, they cost less than 2000 Euros.

Ultimaker 2 Go

3d-drucker ultimaker 2 go

Source: Ultimaker

The Ultimaker 2 Go is ideal for makers who travel a lot and want quality prints wherever they go. It comes with a lightweight special backpack in a cool design, which is so robust that the printer can easily withstand all transports from A to B.

Ultimaker 2 Go. Technical data

Technology: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)

Build Volume: 12 x 12 x 11.5 cm

Material: PLA

Print bed: not heated

Software: Cura

Operating Systems: Windows, Mac, Linux

Dimensions, weight: 25.8 x 25 x 28.75 cm; 6.2 kg

Further specifications

Utimaker UM2GO Drucker (3D)
  • Der Ultimaker 2 Go bietet Schichtauflösungen von 20 Mikron und eine Druckkopfgeschwindigkeit von bis zu...
  • Die robuste Verpackung und der Rucksack machen es einfach, den Ultimaker 2 Go zu tragen, sodass er auch...
  • Das kompakte und robuste Design von Ultimaker 2 Go ermöglicht erfolgreichere, zuverlässigere und...

CraftBot Plus

3d-drucker craftunique craftbot plus

Source: Craftbot

The CraftBot Plus is a Plug and Play printer from the Hungarian manufacturer CraftUnique, which is currently available in anthracite and white. The integrated slicing software “CraftWare” makes it easier for beginners to prepare for printing, while advanced makers can optimally manage and control the printing process. What is more, in 2016 the CraftBot PLUS received an award from 3D Hubs for the Low Budget 3D Printer category.

CraftBot Plus. Technical data

Technology: Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)

Build Volume: 25 x 20 x 20 cm

Materials: PLA, ABS, LAYWOOD, LAYBRICK, Nylon, Flexible, etc.

Print bed: heated

Software: CraftWare

Operating system: Windows 7 and higher

Dimensions, weight: 40 x 36 x 37 cm; 14 kg

Further specifications

JOAUIAX Digitaler Winkelmesser Magnetisch mit LCD, Elektronischer Neigungsmesser, Laser Winkelmesser...
  • Dank seiner 100 Mikron / Layer Auflösung bietet CraftBot eine sehr hohe Druckqualität
  • CraftBot verfügt über ein intuitives, gut organisiertes Navigationsmenü mit konstanten Informationen...
  • Heizung verhindert Verzug und Kleben. Abnehmbare Baustellenplattform ist einfacher zu reinigen

LulzBot Mini 2

3d-drucker lulzbot mini 2 3d printer

Source: Lulzbot

The LulzBot Mini is a compelling 3D printer that doesn’t have the largest build area for its price, but scores with ease of use and reliable printing. If you still want to print larger objects, you can also use the more expensive LulzBot Taz.

LulzBot Mini. Technical data

Technology: FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication)

Build volume: 16 x 16 x 18 cm

Material: PLA, Natural and Metal PLA Blends, TPU, ABS, PETG, nGen, INOVA-1800, HIPS, HT, t-glase, Alloy 910, Polyamide, Nylon 645, Polycarbonate, PC-Max, PC+PBT, PC-ABS Alloy, PCTPE, etc.

Print bed: borosilicate glass with PEI surface; heated (max. 120°C)

Software: Cura LulzBot Edition Version 3.2 or newer (recommended)

Operating systems: GNU/Linux, Mac, Windows

Dimensions, weight: 45.7 x 33.9 x 60.7 cm; 9 kg (without filament spool)

Further specifications

3DWOX DP 200

3d-drucker sindoh 3dwox dp200

Source: Sindoh

The 3DWOX DP200 prints with filament cassettes, which make the material supply or the material change simple, because they are inserted quite simply like ink cartridges into the device. The only disadvantage of this practical solution is that it is not possible to fall back on third-party filaments, but always on Sindoh cartridges. Nevertheless, this 3D printer convinces with solid printing results.

3DWOX DP200. Technical data

Technology: Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)

Build volume: 20 x 20 x 18.5 cm

Material: PLA, ABS

Print bed: heated

Software: 3DWOX Desktop, Solidworks, Cura

Operating systems: Windows 7 and later, Mac OSX 10.10 and later

Dimensions, weight: 42.1 × 43.3 × 43.9 cm; max. 21 kg

Further specifications

Zortrax M 200

3d-drucker zortrax m 200

The Zortrax M200 is a user-friendly and reliable 3D printer with a relatively large build volume. It can be printed immediately after unpacking, with a resolution of 90 microns. In 2016 the device was voted as best Plug and Play printer by 3D Hubs.

Zortrax M 200 Technical Data

Technology: LPD (Layer Plastic Deposition)

Build volume: 20 x 20 x 18 cm


Print bed: heated

Software: Z-SUITE

Operating systems: Mac OS X, Windows 7 and higher

Dimensions, weight: 34.5 x 36 x 43 cm; 25 kg

Further specifications

Zortrax M200 3D Drucker
  • 3D-Druck Produkt
  • 3D-Druck Produkt

Nobel 1.0 A

3d-drucker xyzprinting nobel 1.0 a

Source: XYZprinting

The upgraded Nobel 1.0 A is an affordable and reliable SL printer from XYZprinting. The included XYZware_Nobel software automatically analyzes the properties of the 3D model to be printed and adds support structures if required. Even small parts are printed very precisely, namely from multicolored acrylic, flexible resin and castable resins, so that the 3D printer is particularly well suited for use in the jewellery or handicraft industry.

Nobel 1.0 A. Technical data

Technology: Stereolithography (SL)

Build volume: 12.8 x 12.8 x 20 cm

Material: Photopolymer resin

Software: XYZware_Nobel

Operating systems: Windows 7 or higher, Mac OS X 10.8, 10.9, 10.10

Dimensions, weight: 28 x 34.5 x 59 cm; 9.6 kg (gross weight)

Further specifications

Flashforge Inventor

3d-drucker flashforge inventor

Source: Flashforge

Flashforge Inventor is an easy-to-use, sophisticated and accessible Plug & Play 3D printer with a filament holder integrated into the chamber. Thus the material spools remain dry and protected from humidity, at the same time the print quality is increased. Leveling and calibration are precise and can easily be done with a piece of paper.

Flashforge Inventor. Technical data

Technology: Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)

Build volume: 23 x 15 x 16 cm

Material: ABS, PLA and much more

Print bed: heated

Software: Happy 3D, FlashPrint

Operating systems: Windows, Mac, Linux

Dimensions, weight: 48.5 x 34.4 x 38.2 cm; 14.8 kg

Further specifications

Keine Produkte gefunden.

Robo 3D R2

3d-drucker robo3d robo 2

Source: Robo 3D

The R2 from Robo 3D is a high-performance 3D printer equipped with Wifi, which can be controlled via the Robo App from anywhere. The integrated touch screen also makes the device easy to operate. Using the Filament Run-Out Detection function, the printer automatically pauses when the filament has run out and resumes the print job as soon as material is reloaded.

Robo 3D R2. Technical data

Technology: Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)

Build volume: 20.32 x 20.32 x 25.4

Material: PLA, ABS, Nylon, HIPS, PVA, TPU, PET-G and more

Print bed: heated

Software: Cura, Robo-App

Operating systems: Windows, Mac, Linux

Dimensions, weight: 42.54 x 60.32 x 42.18 cm; 11.56 kg

Further specifications

Robo3D R2 3D Printer
  • Robo3D R2 3D-Drucker - integriertes Slicing (direkt auf dem Drucker) - Baumraum 197x197x250mm -...
  • eigenständiger Druck über USB-Stick, Ethernet oder WiFi Mobile App - Software Robo App oder Cura free -...
  • Filamentauslauferkennung - Automatische Kalibrierung - kompatibel mit allen mobilen Geräten -...

MakerBot Replicator Mini+

3d-drucker makerbot replicator mini plus

Source: Makerbot

The Mini+ replicator was tested for over 380,000 hours before it was proudly presented by MakerBot. The investment of time has paid off, because the result is a user-friendly and above all reliable desktop 3D printer. The print jobs can be conveniently managed by the cloud with an integrated camera by an app and the print bed has been coated with a new surface that makes blue tape obsolete.

MakerBot Replicator Mini+. Technical data

Technology: Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)

Build Volume: 10.1 x 12.6 x 12.6 cm

Material: PLA

Print bed: not heated

Software: Makerbot Print, Makerbot Mobile

Operating Systems: Windows, Mac

Dimensions, weight: 29.5 x 34.9 x 38.1 cm; 9.3 kg

Further specifications

MAKERBOT Replicator Mini+ PLUS (MP07925)
  • FDM-Drucktechnologie.
  • Druckfläche: 10,1 x 12,6 x 12,6 cm.
  • Durchmesser: 1,75 cm.


3d-drucker beeverycreative beethefirst plus

Source: BeeVeryCreative

The BeeTheFirst+ is a portable 3D printer that has already won several awards and comes in a cool designed, portable bag. The device can print up to 750 objects without calibration. The Plus stands for a stronger extruder that can be “fed” with a wide variety of filaments.

BeeTheFirst+. Technical data

Technology: Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF)

Build volume: 19 x 13.5 x 12.5 cm

Material: PLA, Nylon, Wood, Flexible

Print bed: not heated

Software: BEESOFT, Simplify 3D

Operating systems: Windows, Mac, Linux

Dimensions, weight: 40 x 14 x 40 cm; 8.5 kg

Further specifications

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